東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 母性看護学・助産学分野



2014.6.1-5.The 30th International Confederation of Midwives, Pragueで院生の芦田沙矢香さんと米澤かおりさんが口頭発表と疋田直子さんがポスター発表を行いました。

30th Triennial Congress ICM Prague 2014, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1-5, 2014.

Sayaka Ashida, Ryoko Murayama, Megumi Haruna.Prevalence and risk factors for anal incontinence within seven months to five years after vaginal delivery: a cross sectional study.  (Oral presentation)

 Kaori Yonezawa, Megumi Haruna, Mie shiraishi. The relationship between the skin barrier function of early neonates and diaper dermatitis during the first month of life.(Oral presentation)

Naoko Hikita. My experience in the Republic of Malawi and what I learned from it. (Poster presentation)
